Restrict user accessing database SQL server || SQL database admin privilege PHP code

 we can restrict some user or group of user to accessing database.

let we have in table directory phpMyadmin 3 types of user


1 -  Admin 

2-  Admin and Colleague or main user with special privilege

3- Normal user with limited access

Restrict and redirect the user to certain page limited privilege accessing SQL database

Only Admin privilege :

SQL admin special privilege PHP code

<?php if($_SESSION['login_user_type']== 1)  ; else{header("location:login.php"); } ?>

 Admin and main user privilege :

SQL database restrict access no privilege for normal user

<?php if($_SESSION['login_user_type'] == 1 or $_SESSION['login_user_type'] == 2); else{header("location:login.php"); } ?>

Normal user access :

From above two option now you can control the normal user for using the SQL database.
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