Blogger updated Custom Domain Set up || Create CNAME record for custom domain

 Google has changed the DNS pointing system

As usual you will not have any secret codes for CUSTOM DOMAIN  redirection

You just need to point the DNS to google .

Here is updated blogger BlogSpot custom domain redirection method 

1. For Custom Domain

BlogSpot Custom Domain Redirection
First You have to point your domain with WWW prefix like .
 Do not forgot to allow redirect the necked domain to WWW.  

Now go to your domain provider cPanel

as here am using cloudflare

Add the two CNAME

@ to
www to

Now you done redirecting the BlogSpot to your main DOMAIN

2. For Custom Sub-Domain

Its easy to to redirect your BlogSpot site to custom sub-domain 

Here is how to redirect BlogSpot site to custom sub-domain

put your custom subdomain name in CUSTOM DOMAIN
do not active tour REDIRECT DOMAIN option

Now go to your Domain provider cPanel

As am using cloudflare

For sub-domain you just need to add only one CNAME

point your subdomain to Google


your subdomain to


blog to 

Now you have done.


  • blogger custom domain not working
  • blogger custom domain not working without www
  • blogger custom domain
  • how to add custom domain to blogger
  • blogger custom domain dns settings
  • blogspot redirect subdomain setting
  • blogspot as subdomain
  • blogspot as domain
  • Create a CNAME record for my custom domain 
  • Create a CNAME record for my custom subdomain 
  • How To Set Up a Custom Domain in Blogger
  • How To Use Custom Domain With Blogger
  • Connecting Your Domain to Blogger
  • How to Set up a Custom Domain on Blogger

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